Thursday, September 3, 2020
Food Inc Essay Example for Free
Food Inc Essay The film makes some great focuses. The best point is that financed corn falsely brings down the expense of creature feed and high-fructose corn syrup. This makes an expense sponsored financial motivation for individuals to pick cheap food over nutritious choices. Rejecting ranch sponsorships including corn would be a good thought (that the film doesnt propose). It has a decent portion about how Monsanto is utilizing licensed innovation law to unjustifiably make a US soybean imposing business model, suing ranchers who never purchased Monsanto seed and compelling them to surrender as a result of the sheer weight of legitimate bills. In any case, the film drops into sentimentality. For instance, it takes a tragic instance of a child named Kevin who passed on of E Coli harming in the wake of eating a cheeseburger. It follows the industrys reaction which is to utilize alkali to ensure that practically no E Coli endures and reprimands its answer while playing dismal music out of sight alongside unanswered cries of anguish from Kevins mother. It neglects to make reference to that (1) all E Coli passes on when meat is cooked appropriately (2) utilizing smelling salts to murder E Coli is a bright thought that is exceptionally powerful (3) the food with the most serious danger of E Coli harming is natural spinach. It doesnt notice how the cheap food industry dispensed with the utilization of hydrogenated vegetable oil, totally killing trans fat from inexpensive food. It has a scene contrasting the assets utilized by an unfenced cow rancher who has around 20 bovines versus a mechanical slaughterhouse that forms thousands neglecting to make reference to that if the free roaming rancher created dairy animals on a similar scale he would utilize 4x to 10x the assets for a similar yield. The film takes a less than ideal position against hereditarily changed food (google Norman Borlaugh). It makes a few reckless contentions (like contending that our modernly created food is tainted and asset escalated and that we should pay more to eat natural which is in reality significantly more asset concentrated and bound to be debased by microorganisms due to the utilization of crap as manure rather than nitrates). The film makes some fascinating focuses. In any case, the entire large business terrible thing is a totally pointless disposition that is a steady wellspring of aggravation to me actually. Individuals and organizations have, do, will, and should act in their own eventual benefits. The inquiry is which approaches ought to be made to boost shrewd results? As to, the issue isnt malicious huge business, its that the US should change its legitimate framework to act like the UKs where on the off chance that you sue somebody and lose, at that point you need to pay their lawful charges. That would forestall Monsantos maltreatment of IP law (and would achieve tort change in clinical negligence).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Anne of York, Sister of Two English Kings
Anne of York, Sister of Two English Kings Anne of York Facts Known for: sister of British rulers Richard III and Edward IV; she was given control of her first spouses land and titles when he was vanquished battling against Annes sibling, King Edward IV. She had connections to the places of York and Lancaster, the heroes in the Wars of the Roses.Dates: August 10, 1439 - January 14, 1476Also known as: Duchess of Exeter Foundation, Family: Mother: Cecily Neville (1411 - 1495), girl of Ralph, duke of Westmoreland, and his subsequent spouse, Joan Beaufort. Joan was a legitimized little girl of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster and a child of King Edward III of England, by Katherine Swynford, whom John wedded after their kids were conceived. Isabel Neville and Anne Neville, wedded to Anne of Yorks siblings, were extraordinary nieces of Cecily Neville and first cousins once expelled to Anne of York and her siblings. Father: Richard, third duke of York (1411 - 1460), child of Richard of Conisbrough, fourth duke of Cambridge and Anne Mortimer, girl of Roger Mortimer, fourth duke of March. Richard of Conisbrough was the child of Edmund of Langley, the main duke of York, who was the fourth child of Edward III and Philippa of Hainault.Anne Mortimer was the extraordinary granddaughter of Lionel of Antwerp, duke of Clarence, who was the second child of Edward III and Philippa of Hainault. In 1460, Annes father, Richard of York, endeavored to take the seat from the Lancastrian Henry VI, in view of this family. He agreed with Henry that he would succeed Henry, however not long after was slaughtered at the clash of Wakefield. His child Edward IV prevailing in March 1461 in toppling Henry VI based on this equivalent case. Kin: Joan of York (kicked the bucket in childhood)Henry of York (passed on in childhood)Edward IV of England (1442 - 1483)Edmund, Earl of Rutland (1443 - 1460)Elizabeth of York (1444 - around 1503), wedded John de la Pole, duke of Suffolk, who had first been hitched quickly, before the marriage contractâ was disintegrated, to Margaret Beaufort (age one or three at the hour of the marriage)Margaret of York (1446 - 1503), wedded Charles the Bold of BurgundyWilliam of York (kicked the bucket in childhood)John of York (kicked the bucket in childhood)George, Duke of Clarence (1449 - 1478), wedded to Isabel Neville, sister of Anne Neville, Richard IIIs sovereign consortThomas of York (passed on in childhood)Richard III of England (1452 - 1485), wedded to Anne Neville, whose first spouse was Edward, Prince of Wales, child of Henry VI of EnglandUrsula of York (kicked the bucket in youth) Marriage, Children: First spouse: Henry Holland, third duke of Exeter (1430 - 1475). Hitched 1447. Holland was a partner of the Lancastrians, and was a leader at Wakefield, St. Albans and the Battle of Towton. He fled to oust after the thrashing at Towton. At the point when Annes sibling Edward became ruler, Edward gave control of Hollands domains to Anne. They officially isolated in 1464 and separated in 1472. Anne of York and Henry Holland had one youngster, a girl: Anne Holland (around 1455 - somewhere in the range of 1467 and 1474). Hitched Thomas Gray, first marquess of Dorset and child of Elizabeth Woodville, Edward IVs spouse, by her first husband. At the point when Edward gave control of Hollands homes to Anne of York, the homes were to go to Anne Hollands beneficiaries. Be that as it may, Anne Holland passed on with no kids. Second spouse: Thomas St. Leger (around 1440 - 1483). Hitched 1474. Anne of York kicked the bucket of difficulties after labor at age 36, in the wake of bearing her lone kid by St. Leger, another little girl: Anne St. Leger (January 14, 1476 - April 21, 1526). Anne St. Legers beneficiaries acquired, by an Act of Parliament in 1483, the Exeter homes which had been seized for her moms sake from her moms first spouse. That Act gave a piece of the legacy to Richard Gray, one of Elizabeth Woodvilles children by her first marriage. Anne St. Leger was guaranteed in union with Thomas Gray, a grandson of Elizabeth Woodville just as the child of the single man of Anne St. Legers stepsister, Anne Holland. Anne St. Leger in the long run wedded, rather, George Manners, twelfth nobleman de Ros.Among Anne St. Legers relatives was Diana, Princess of Wales. In 2012, remains thought to be those of Anne of Yorks sibling, King Richard III, were found in Leicester; maternal line descendents of Anne of York through Anne St. Leger were utilized to test DNA and affirm the personality of the remaining parts as those of the ruler who had passed on in fight. Progressively About Anne of York: Anne of York was the more established sister of two English lords, Edward IV and Richard III. Annes first spouse, Henry Holland, duke of Exeter, battled effectively on the Lancastrians against Annes York family at the clash of Wakefield, where Annes father and sibling Edmund were murdered. Holland was on the losing side at the Battle of Towton, and fled to outcast, and his territories were seized by Edward IV. In 1460, Edward IV allowed Anne of York her spouses lands, which were to be acquired through her little girl by Holland. That little girl, Anne Holland, was hitched to one of the children of Edwards sovereign, Elizabeth Woodville, by her first spouse, further tying the familys fortunes to the York side in the Wars of the Roses. Anne Holland kicked the bucket, childless, at some point after this marriage in 1466 and before 1474, at which time her better half remarried. Anne Holland was somewhere in the range of 10 and 19 years of age at her passing. Anne of York had isolated from Henry Holland in 1464 and got a separation in 1472. Revisions before 1472 to Anne of Yorks title to the grounds of her first spouse clarified that the title and terrains would continue to any of Annes future youngsters, so she may have just started another relationship before her marriage in 1474 to Thomas St. Leger. Henry Holland suffocated subsequent to falling over the edge from a boat in 1475; bits of gossip were that King Edward had requested his demise. In late 1475, Anne of York and Thomas St. Legers girl, Anne St. Leger, was conceived. Anne of York passed on in January, 1476, of complexities of the labor. Anne of Yorks Daughter, Anne St. Leger Anne St. Leger, at about four months old, was at that point contracted in union with Thomas Gray, who was a grandson of Elizabeth Woodville and the child of Anne St. Legers relatives single man. Edward IV won an Act of Parliament in 1483 proclaiming Anne St. Leger the beneficiary of the Exeter bequest and titles, with a portion of the home additionally going to Richard Gray, another of Elizabeth Woodvilles children from her first marriage. This Act of Parliament was disliked with the general population, one more case of the favors given to Elizabeth Woodvilles family, and may have added to Edward IVs destruction. Anne St. Leger, Anne of Yorks just enduring little girl, never wedded Thomas Gray. At the point when her uncle, Richard III, ovrthrew her other uncle, Edward IV, he attempted to wed Anne St. Leger to Henry Stafford, duke of Buckingham. There were additionally bits of gossip he needed to wed Anne to his own child, Edward. Thomas St. Leger partook in an insubordination to Richard III. At the point when that fizzled, he was caught and executed in November, 1483. After the thrashing of Richard III and increase of Henry VII, Anne St. Leger wedded George Manners, twelfth noble de Ros. They had eleven youngsters. Five of the girls and one of the children wedded. Another Anne of York A niece of Anne of York, the little girl of Annes sibling Edward IV, was likewise called Anne of York. The more youthful Anne of York was the noblewoman of Surrey and lived from 1475 to 1511. She wedded Thomas Howard, third duke of Norfolk. Anne of York, royal lady of Surrey, participated in the christenings of her nephew, Arthur Tudor, and of her niece, Margaret Tudor, offspring of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. The offspring of Anne of York, royal lady of Surrey, all predeceased her.
Platypus Essays - Monotremes, Sleep, Dream, Neurophysiology
Platypus The platypus, evidently, is a shockingly profound sleeper. Likewise, it spends a greater amount of its time in supposed 'REM' rest than some other warm blooded creature. These are the determinations of an investigation on rest in the platypus by Jerry M. Siegel of the Sepulveda Veterans' Affairs Medical Center, North Hills, California and associates. Their report shows up in an uncommon number of Philosophical Exchanges of the Royal Society gave to the science of the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), praising the bicentenary of the disclosure, in Australia, of this striking creature. 'REM' means 'quick eye-development' and is the sort of rest in which the cerebrum can be more dynamic than in it is while alert, the creature jerks, and the eyelids flash ? henceforth the name. In people, REM rest is related with dreaming. Yet, does the platypus have an exceptionally rich dream life? Perhaps not, state the scientists: felines, opossums, armadillos and different vertebrates not known for their scholarly accomplishments have unmistakably more REM rest, regardless of whether determined in hours out of each day or as a level of all out rest time, than people. And why study rest in the platypus in any case? All things considered, the platypus is a cloud and very crude animal, indirectly identified with people. The appropriate response lies in that crude state: contemplating the physiology of the platypus could yield pieces of information about the life and conduct of the most punctual well evolved creatures. The platypus has a place with a gathering of warm blooded creatures with very antiquated roots. Aside from the platypus itself, the gathering ? the monotremes ? incorporates two types of echidna, or 'sharp insect eating animal'. Every one of the three animal categories are bound to Australasia. Monotremes lay eggs, similar to winged animals and reptiles, yet in contrast to every single other warm blooded animal. They additionally have a scope of other reptile-like anatomical highlights, includes that have been lost in further developed well evolved creatures. Analysts imagine that monotremes have been unmistakable as a gathering for in any event 80 million years, some time before the dinosaurs got wiped out. Monotremes have taken a appearance job in concentrates on the advancement of mammalian cerebrum work. An examination in 1972 recommended that the echidna Tachyglossus had no REM rest. This was significant, on the grounds that it suggested that REM rest more likely than not advanced in higher warm blooded animals. Ensuing examination made this outcome look strange, as REM-like rest marvels have since been seen in feathered creatures and a few reptiles: in which case, the echidna may have lost the limit some place in its advancement. This is the problem that Siegel and partners have been researching. In the first place, it turns out that the term 'REM' is a misnomer: creatures may show REM rest despite the fact that their eyes don't move, and their bodies don't jerk. REM is appropriately characterized as a trademark example of movement in the mind, produced by explicit neuronal pathways in the brainstem ? regardless of whether this action is conveyed advances into the 'higher' focuses of the cerebrum (where it is showed as dreaming). Chronicles from circumspectly embedded cathodes show that the echidna does, all things considered, show a sort of REM rest created by the brainstem, even in spite of the fact that it is fairly quieted and the creature gives no outward indications. Youthful creatures show more REM rest than more established ones, and it may be the case that youthful echidnas have an increasingly dynamic dozing life (counting jerking) than more established ones. The platypus, however, gives all the great outward indications of REM rest. In reality, an account from as quite a while in the past as 1860, preceding REM rest was found, announced that youthful platypus demonstrated 'swimming' developments of their forepaws while sleeping. Notwithstanding these distinctions, the REM rest of the platypus and the echidna is kept to the brainstem: the forebrain shows the ordinary, consistent examples of neuronal action related with profound, dreamless rest. This proposes for all their REM rest, monotremes don't dream. These discoveries set our comprehension of the advancement of rest on a firmer balance. It currently appears that the 'center' brainstem movement showed as REM rest has incredibly old roots, returning to the reptilian acnestors of warm blooded animals just as feathered creatures. The elaboration of REM rest into the forebrain is a later advancement: however whether it developed once and monotremes have since lost it, or on the off chance that it advanced more than once, is something that lone more work on feathered creatures and reptiles can build up. The platypus, clearly, is a shockingly profound sleeper. Also, it spends a greater amount of its time in purported 'REM' rest than some other vertebrate. These are the determinations of an examination on rest in the platypus by Jerry M. Siegel of the Sepulveda Veterans' Affairs Medical Center, North Hills, California and partners. Their report shows up
Friday, August 21, 2020
Dead Manââ¬â¢s Path by Chinua Achebe Essay
Presentation à â â â â â â â â â â The story is for the most part portraying the topic which is supposed to be innovation versus old. The old is portrayed by the locals which despite everything keeps doing their ceremonies and furthermore it is described by the pathway (Nerdicity). à â â â â â â â â â â The new or innovation is described and delineated by the establishment and the new superintendents who planned for reestablishing practically the entirety of the old staffs at the school (Nerdicity). à â â â â â â â â â â The establishment, as portrayed in the story as the clarification for the subject, tends the humankind of that age to be freed as to fresher and additionally present day things (Nerdicity). They are likewise attempting to free the townspeople that the villagerââ¬â¢s old convictions and practices aren't right which incorporates the act of their conviction about the pathway (Nerdicity). Subject clarification à â â â â â â â â â â The subject in the story is about Modern versus Old. It is said that Chinua Achebe came up to this topic dependent on how the new Nigerian thinks. The new Nigerianââ¬â¢s perspective clarifies their philosophies on decorating gardens (Nerdicity). à â â â â â â â â â â In this topic as clarified in the story, Michael Oli needed an improvement at the organization adjoin the issue is; the residents are a wellspring of obstruction to his advancement plan for the school. à â â â â â â â â â â The subject is clarifying how certain individuals needed an increasingly freed and modernized society for a superior living yet at the same time there are some who wouldn't like to go with this modernization issue. They are satisfied after their old practices. The subject likewise clarifies how elimination of old works on including convention and societies due to the fast turn of events and its being forced to the individuals. à â â â â â â â â â â The subject likewise clarified that overwhelming new plans to individuals who accepts and acknowledges old practices is a hard activity that will require your understanding and comprehension. à â â â â â â â â â â Imposing new is better for it will profit a great deal of perspectives throughout everyday life except it will be better if as opposed to making everything new, individuals can join new and old rather that will be increasingly successful for everybody as it wonââ¬â¢t be a hotspot for any contention. à â â â â â â â â â â Example of new versus old is the advancement versus conventional. à â â â â â â â â â â It passes on the exercise which expresses that customs ought not be changed into new ones and it ought to likewise be not disregarded. à â â â â â â â â â â The subject is supposed to be viable for individuals to understand that old convictions are supposed to be compelling and significant so it ought not be dismissed. Conventions are by one way or another an options in showing ethics, it is supposed to be significantly more powerful on the grounds that there are exercises that individuals can learn through this (Cindy). About the topic à â â â â â â â â â â The creator made the topic since he needed individuals to be educated and to understand that embracing such innovation over customary issue in an awful methodology will make a negative outcome (LLC). à â â â â â â â â â â Chinua Achebe needed to force that when someone in particular expects and attempts to hinder a specific fundamental part of that personââ¬â¢s presence, the demonstration could make or lead into an antagonistic response and outcomes (LLC). This is portrayed when Michael Obi hindered the way where it is a piece of the villagerââ¬â¢s significant custom in regard for their precursors at whatever point somebody bites the dust. à â â â â â â â â â â The subject was commonly made for individuals to see the negative effect of advancement to customary exercises. The effect in the story portrayed through the topic is disclosing that so as to persuade individuals to acknowledge certain belief systems, the person who forces ought to likewise have the qualities that others would regard (LLC). This trademark is significant all together for other presence to acknowledge the belief systems that someone in particular forces (LLC). Well known fact à â â â â â â â â â â Indeed, the story communicates well known fact since individuals canââ¬â¢t deny the way that there are actually a few people at any piece of the world that supports improvement in specific individuals yet does it in an antagonistic methodology. Individuals would be offended through this sort of approach that incites them to begin a misconception and strife to one another. à â â â â â â â â â â A case of this is the point at which someone in particular lectures something as per his perspectives and convictions. On the off chance that someone in particular forced his philosophies and constrained individuals to accept by undermining their lives or their own convictions, the demonstration will cause into significant clashes. à â â â â â â â â â â This announcement is a model circumstance dependent on the subject of the story by Chinua Achebe.â Images utilized in the story à â â â â â â â â â â In the story, there are a ton of occasions that represents the given topic. One of this is when Michael forced the innovation by restoring practically the entirety of the old educators in the school and transforming them into new and more youthful ones (Classroom). à â â â â â â â â â â Michael could have forced his point of innovation through including new educators consequently as yet permitting the old ones to play out their instructing in the school however he did the other way. Michael planned to expel the villagerââ¬â¢s option to rehearse their significant customs as opposed to regarding it (Classroom). à â â â â â â â â â â Michel didn't regard the customs and convictions of the locals subsequently he likewise ignored what the minister prompted him. Michael obstructed the pathway to keep away from the residents from strolling however it and he did it to keep them from demolishing the property (Classroom). à â â â â â â â â â â By doing the specific demonstration, Michael is said to have offended the villagerââ¬â¢s convictions and custom practice. He could have quite recently let the townspeople take that specific part and took another part to achieve his undertaking due to decorating the school. Finally is when Michael disregarded what the residents asked of him to have the option to determine the emerging clash. The locals requested that he do an overwhelming penance so as to mollify his issue from the villagerââ¬â¢s progenitors (Classroom). à â â â â â â â â â â This is inferring the irreverence to someoneââ¬â¢s convictions. Rather than following what they asked of him, he overlooked the thought and proceeded on forcing what he needed. Images à â â â â â â â â â â The school ground as the pathway, this represents the convention and convictions of the locals. It is clarified in the story that it is a piece of the villagerââ¬â¢s custom to take that specific way at whatever point somebody kicks the bucket. à â â â â â â â â â â The obstructing of the pathway; this represents the unacceptance and lack of regard of Michael as the principle character. He affronted the villagerââ¬â¢s rehearses which theyââ¬â¢ve done consistently. End à â â â â â â â â â â The creator came up to the topic by inferring his view on regarding oneââ¬â¢s convictions and customs. In the event that someone in particular needs his belief systems to be acknowledged, he ought to force it in a benevolent way. à â â â â â â â â â â If someone in particular needs to succeed forcing his thoughts, he at that point ought to likewise regard otherââ¬â¢s philosophies to keep things from driving into clashes and negative responses. à â â â â â â â â â â The Author of the story as I would see it knows that custom may be overlooked in view of the turns of events and freedoms that the general public forces. à â â â â â â â â â â Achebe appeared through his anecdote about his regard to certain peopleââ¬â¢s convictions regardless of whether it isn't obviously evident, in this way it is everyoneââ¬â¢s option to rehearse their social and conventional convictions as long as it wont be a purpose behind different peopleââ¬â¢s persecution (Cindy). à â â â â â â â â â â This is the thing that the topic suggests through the story Dead Manââ¬â¢s Path by Chinua Achebe. Works Cited Cindy. ââ¬Å"Dead Manââ¬â¢s Path.â⬠2007. Study hall, The Global. ââ¬Å"Dead Menââ¬â¢s Path Chinua Achebe ââ¬Å", 2006. LLC, Mega Essays. ââ¬Å"Chinua Achebe, Dead Manââ¬â¢s Path.â⬠2007. Nerdicity. ââ¬Å"Dead Manââ¬â¢s Path.â⬠2006.
How to Earn an Online MBA Degree
The most effective method to Earn an Online MBA Degree Online MBA programs are a well known decision by more seasoned grown-ups and mid-vocation experts who need to procure a degree without relinquishing their profession and family life. Online ââ¬â¹MBA programs are likewise turning into a quick most loved of the more youthful group, who are searching for approaches to win an advanced education while keeping their flow work. Many locate that online MBA courses offer an adaptability that cant be found in conventional schools. In the event that youre considering procuring an online MBA, ensure you get your work done. Realizing the nuts and bolts will assist you with settling on an educated choice about whether these projects are directly for you. How Online MBA Programs Are Different From Traditional MBA Programs Separation learning and customary MBA programs by and large offer a comparable sort of educational plan and can be considered similarly troublesome (depending, obviously, on the specific school). Rather than going through hours in class, online MBA understudies are relied upon to devote their opportunity to concentrating freely. Online educational program for the most part comprises of talks, readings, assignments, and support in online conversations. A few projects likewise offer mixed media parts, for example, video addresses, podcasting, and video conferencing. Online MBA understudies from certain projects are required to genuinely go to a specific number of courses or workshops so as to procure residency hours. Required tests can for the most part be taken with delegate in your own locale. Online MBA understudies donââ¬â¢t invest less energy concentrating than their customary understudy partners. In any case, they are enabled to accommodate their school hours into their own timetables. Deciding whether a MBA Program Is Respectable This inquiry merits a certified ââ¬Å"yes.â⬠There are two principle factors in deciding a business schoolââ¬â¢s decency: accreditation and notoriety. Online MBA programs that are authorize by the correct organizations ought to be regarded by your future bosses and associates. Be that as it may, there are numerous unaccredited or ââ¬Å"diploma millâ⬠programs that give out useless degrees. Stay away from them no matter what. A school with a decent notoriety can likewise add decency to an online MBA degree. Much like graduate schools, business colleges get rankings from associations, for example, Business Week that can influence future work. Online understudies may not be offered a similar lucrative, enormous partnership employments that moves on from top-positioned schools, for example, Wharton are. Be that as it may, there are a lot of organizations ready to recruit MBA graduates with degrees from different establishments. Reasons People Earn Their MBAOnline Online MBA understudies originate from varying backgrounds. Many separation learning understudies are mid-profession when they choose to get another degree. More seasoned experts with employments and family duties frequently see the adaptability of online projects as a solid match. Some online understudies are searching for a profession change yet at the same time need to keep up their present place of employment until they get their MBA. Others are now working in business and acquire their degree so as to be qualified for work advancements. To what extent Do Online MBAs Take to Complete The time it takes to complete an online MBA degree shifts as indicated by the school and the specialization. Some concentrated MBA projects can be done in as not many as nine months. Different projects can take as long as four years. Adding specializations to a degree can take much more. A few schools permit understudies more prominent adaptability to work at their own pace while others necessitate that understudies cling to additionally requesting cutoff times. Cost of Earning an Online Degree One online MBA degree canââ¬â¹ be had for $10,000, another for $100,000. The expense of educational cost differs considerably from school to school. Expensive doesnââ¬â¢t essentially mean better (albeit a portion of the more costly schools have the absolute best notorieties). Your manager might be eager to pay for part or the entirety of your instructive costs, especially on the off chance that the individual in question thinks youââ¬â¢ll be staying with the organization. You may likewise be granted awards, get institutional or private grants, or fit the bill for money related guide. Favorable circumstances in Having a MBA Numerous online MBA graduates have utilized their new degrees to exceed expectations at the working environment, gain advancements, and make vocation progress. Others have discovered that their time could have been exceptional spent somewhere else. The individuals who see their degrees as ââ¬Å"worth itâ⬠share a few attributes in like manner: they realized they needed to work in the business field already, they picked a school with legitimate accreditation and a positive notoriety, and their specialization was fitting for the sort of work they needed to do. Taking on an online MBA program isn't a choice to trifle with. Certify programs require difficult work, time, and exertion. Be that as it may, for the correct individual, an online MBA can be an extraordinary method to get a kick off in the realm of business.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Performance Of Islamic Funds In The Gulf Area Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
There is a lengthened chronological association with the growth and development of traditional commercial banking practice and religious conviction. As Brown and Skully (2007) have put it, some of the earliest economic transactions commenced with the storage of gold in religious temples which expanded at a swift pace, thereby, allowing the ancient Greeks to make credit notes which were acknowledged throughout Greece. Islamic banks and financial organizations are operating in accordance with the facilitations and decrees of the Islamic Shariah law, which denies benefits by means of any form of usury. Islamic banks function on the basis of sharing profits and losses with their clientele which is in contrast with the conventional banking systems, whose chief task is to intermediate by lending money at higher rates of interest than paid by the bank on funds which are set down by the borrowers, thereby, obtaining gains from the margin between the two. What is more, Islamic banks operate in facilitating money transactions as well as exchanges, whereas, the conventional banks function on the products that are purchased or sold with the use of interest as well as time. More to it, the Islamic religion forbids trade of money for money, however, allows money to be put to work, and then take part in the profits or losses which are realized (Alford, 2003) which is the base of Islamic funds. Recognized and strict banking has now been existent for nearly a thousand years, with Islamic Banking being associatively a new phenomenon as the first Islamic Bank, Mit Ghamr Local Savings Bank of Egypt , which was established in the year 1963 (Brown and Skully, 2007). However, even then, the actual development of Islamic finance did not commence until the late twentieth century when the Middle East nations went through a giant rise in surplus funds. Since that time, the Muslim investment has extensively spread all throughout Europe and Asia, while Islamic finance is yet to expand. The straight Islamic financing approaches and methods such as with the Islamic bondsà [1]à are gaining huge prominence in the West similarly as the Islamic based funds management has done so far. With time passing by, there has been an increased demand for Islamic funding provisions all across the Muslim world, chiefly, in the dearth of benefits. In order to function, Islamic bank system became dependent upon the work of Islamic law. Hence, since that time, Islamic funds system has prosperously spread all over the world, as it operated according to this pattern, and as a result, the Islamic bankin g became one of the largest established bank systems set to compete with the conventional banks (Iqbal and Molyneux, 2004). Eventually, according to Khan and Ahmed (2001), Islamic Banks possess a number of products which are compatible with the Islamic Law, such as Murabha, Musharaka, and Mudaraba (Khan and Ahmed, 2001). In 1981 the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) was formed in Dubai joining all six countries (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain) to reach a cooperative frame work in all fields ( Each of the GCC nations is autonomous in terms of currency and administration. It is predictable that the entire population of this region is nearly 34 million, and the principal religion in all the nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council is Islam. The GCC nations are affluent in natural reserves, for example, oil and natural gas. The Gulf States have developed into the largest reliant export hubs for oil which is a key requirement in the global mar ket (Saif, 2009). Aims and Objectives of the Study Regardless of the increasing consideration given to Islamic mutual funds by practitioners, there has not yet been any rigorous research or analysis with regards to the performance of these funds, and how they fare in comparison with the conventional funds. Hence, through this study, we aim at the analysis of the performance of Islamic funds, investigating whether there is existent any considerable reward or penalty for investing them. This study is carried out to find out the performance of international Islamic indices with an objective to assess if the Islamic funds are perilous or safer than the pertinent benchmarks. Alongside, the key objective of this assessment is to thoroughly study the profitability of Islamic and conventional banks, keeping the GCC region under spotlight. Furthermore, the study aims to find if the Islamic funds in GCC countries outperform or underperform international Islamic indices. The final aim of the study is to find if the Islamic funds are riskier o r more safe that the relevant benchmarks. As a result, with due consideration to the increased competition between Islamic banks and the conventional banks at this point of time, chiefly, in the Muslim domain for the reason that it does not take much of the interest, this study is carried out to analyze every commotion associated with the performance of Islamic funds in the Gulf States region. However, we will also discuss about the systems brought into use in other countries. Last but not the least, a thorough assessment of the disparities between financial systems makes it a more striking and fascinating topic of discussion. Research Methodology and Data The research methodology for this study is based on the similar variables which have been taken up by studies carried out in the past on fund performance. In this dissertation, the basic Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)à [2]à will be used to measure the Islamic funds performance in the GCC region by comparing each country Islamic funds with their relative market index. Coefficient of determination and t-statistics will be applied in the process by regressing the monthly excessà [3]à gain (loss) of the fund with the market monthly excess gain (loss). Other performance determination will be used in this dissertation like: (sharp ratio, Jensens Alpha, Famas Ratio and Sortino ratio). The same methodology will be applied for all the GCC Islamic funds but with a non-regional Islamic index like Dow Jones Islamic Market. The data for this research will be provided from secondary data providers. The market indexes and risk free data will be acquired from Datastream and this sec ondary data is provided through the university laps. The remaining data regarding the Islamic fund in the GCC countries will be acquired from which is also provided by the university. Structure of the Dissertation This dissertation centralizes on performance of the Islamic funds in GCC region, and has been segmented into seven chapters. The structure of this dissertation is as follows: Chapter 1 The first chapter comprises of an introduction to the research, and also introduced the research questions. The significance of understanding the performance of Islamic funds in the GCC is discussed and enlightened. Chapter 2 The second chapter provides with an overview of the Islamic Banks, conventional mutual funds and Islamic funds. This is inclusive of a general idea of the history along with the challenges they confront, and what are the fundamental rules and regulations. More to it, this section prefaces some of the most significant Islamic funds types. Chapter 3 The third section of this dissertation offers a basic concept of the economic life in the GCC, prior to the presentation of the banking industry, and the financial markets in the GCC, followed by the comparison of the evaluation. Chapter 4 This chapter offers a summary of the studies and researches that have been carried out on the performance of funds. The evaluation is not restrained to Islamic funds, but will be on both the conventional fund and the Islamic funds. Chapter 5 This section puts forward the data important for this study. Also, the attributes and features which will be brought into use in the analysis of the Islamic funds are thoroughly explained. Chapter 6 Chapter 6 explains the results and conclusions of the research, thereby, displaying the findings. Chapter 7 The last chapter confirms and discusses the outcomes of this research. In addition, it covers the section of references and bibliography that have been used. Part 2- LITERATURE REVIEW Islamic Banking: An Introduction In this time and age, Islamic Banking system is believed to be one of the premium trades in the banking industry. The industry is comprehended to be 46 years old. We can define Islamic Banking as interest-free banking that works on the exchange of profits and losses. Hence, in this chapter we will talk about the origin and history of Islamic Banking. To start with, we will compare the services that are provided by Islamic Banks along with their activities in association to those of the conventional banking systems. Following it would be a study of the history of Islamic banking, while the last segment would comprise of the acceptance and prohibition of chores in Islamic Banking, followed by the examination of loan contracts in Islamic Banks. 2.1 An introduction to the Islamic Funds The Islamic funds market is one of the swiftest growing sectors within the Islamic financial configuration. However, when they are put to comparison with the mutual fund industry as a whole, Islamic mutual funds are yet to grow up as they are in their infancy phase of development, chief of them being around for no more than a decade (Elfakhani and Hassan, 2005). Islamic funds are quite diverse for an industry which is somewhat young. It is seen that while the major part of the funds are equity funds, some 86 per cent of the total 126 funds, balanced or secured funds comprise of 14 per cent, and Islamic bond funds comprise of 2 per cent. The other three funds are currently launched (Elfakhani and Hassan, 2005). More to it, amongst the equity funds, various segments and geographical investment areas are efficiently attributed. Islamic funds have undergone tremendous development during the conclusion of the late 1990s for the reason that they efficiently benefited from the boom wit nessed in technology, where most of them delineated high positive returns which even transcended their highest targets. Their number incremented from 8 funds before 1992 to 95 funds along with approximately $5 billion in assets by the year 2000. However, it dropped to nearly $4 billion by the conclusion of 2001. It is observed that more funds have been launched ever since the year 2002, with even more striking market opportunities, and more lessons being learnt. 2.2 Rules and Principles of Islamic Investing An Islamic fund is analogous to a conventional fund in a number of ways, but, unlike its conventional foil, an Islamic mutual fund ought to obey the rules of the Shariah or the Islamic law investment notions. The principles and regulations of Islamic Banking are obtained from the Quran and words of the Prophet Mohammad. According to the Quran, there are three major practices which have been outlawed, and hence, they should not be contracted with in Islamic Banking. These three practices are Riba, in other words, interest; Maysir or Betting and Gharar or uncertainty. It is well-known amongst the Islamic territories that Riba is prohibited in Islam as it is referred to in the Quran. It is the increase on the loan, irrespective of whether it is a fixed or variable one, or for a short or long term. This is believed to have led to difficulties in the economy along with a lack of efficacy which may be as a result of the lenders suffering huge losses for having collected many of the fu nds. Also, for the reason that this enables a number of benefits to deal, it is believed to have led to the inflation of the debt pyramid in the world. On the other hand, Gharar or Uncertainty is strictly forbidden in Islam and is also referred to in the Quran. It is believed that Gharar will happen in case the seller is unaware of what he is selling, and the buyer of what he is purchasing. For that reason, there must be an exact provision and explanation in detail of what is being retailed or purchased, and the target is always to eradicate any ambiguities associated with it. The third and the last factor is Maysir or Betting, which is also strictly forbidden in Islam, which construes to gambling or speculation and betting. The reason for averting this activity is due to its mysterious behaviour, and the returns are not assuring re-entry. Hence, we can construe that all of these practices are prohibited and are not used in Islamic banking for specific advantages. The Shariah guidel ines and decrees reign over various facets of an Islamic mutual fund, which are inclusive of its asset allocation or port-folio screening, investment and trading commotions, and income dissemination or purification (Elfakhani and Hassan, 2005). 2.3 Conventional and Islamic funds (History): Islamic mutual funds represent one of the swiftest growing sectors within the Islamic financial industry. With Shariah supervision being an inseparable part of the Islamic industry, its place in association with the Islamic funds performance is undoubtedly no less significant. When picking investments for their portfolio, or asset allocation, conventional funds can autonomously choose between debt-bearing investments and profit-bearing investments, thereby, investing across the gamut of all the accessible industries. However, it is essential for an Islamic fund to set up screens in order to opt for those companies which meet its qualitative as well as quantitative criteria as set by the Shania guidelines (Elfakhani and Hassan, 2005). Also, qualitative screens are brought into use so as to sieve out companies which are based on the conduct of their business or securities which comprise of one of the Shariah forbidden components, as discussed earlier, or companies which carry out uns crupulous business practices as per Shariah law. As a result, the income implements which are barred from the Islamic-approved securities are corporate bonds, treasury bonds as well as bills, certificates of deposits, stocks, warrants, and last but not the least, some derivatives like options, etc (Elfakhani and Hassan, 2005). More to it, it is not possible for Islamic mutual funds to trade on the edge, or in other sense, it is not possible for them to use interest-paying debt to finance their investments. Moreover, it is also not acceptable to get involved in sale or repurchase agreements. These transactions are believed to be of the similar kind as the indirect interest changes. The foundation upon which an Islamic fund operates ought to be Shania compliant, or in other words, its invested funds ought to be free of interest-based debt or conjecture. It is not possible for Islamic mutual funds to trade on the edge. This means that they cannot make use of the interest-paying debt for financing investments. However, conventional funds such as hedge funds, arbitrage funds, and leveraged buy-out funds scrounge enormously in order to finance their investment commotions, and they are forbidden to Muslim investors. In contrast to the conventional mutual fund managers, it is not permissible for Islamic fund managers to speculate. An Islamic financial unit is looked forward to presume risk after making an appropriate assessment of risk with making use of the information and knowledge. Only in the lack of information or under circumstances is speculation considered to be of a kind similar to a game of opportunity, and is culpable. 2.4 Literature on Funds Performance: Earlier, mutual fund performance literature could not deal with the performance of the Islamic mutual funds industry. A study of Hajara Atta (2000) suggests that the Islamic index goes one better than a sample of unscreened ethical benchmark by bringing into use Sharpe, Treynor, and the categorical Jensen measure (Atta, 2000). A number of theoretical inferences result from the Shariah law as well as demographics of Islamic funds. Islamic mutual fund managers are prohibited in their prowess to exploit paramount information or winning markets. Nevertheless, as put by Bollen and Busse (2001), the average mutual fund manager has not been found to delineate his superior proficiencies (Bollen and Busse, 2001). As a result, the argument which is exactly opposite may also infer that Shariah law restraints the potential harm that is caused by a manager. As of December 2001, there were 105 Islamic mutual funds, of which 86 were equity finds, while 16 were balanced or secured funds. The ot her three were Islamic bond funds which were offered by the Malaysian organizations (Wilson, 2005). The Islamic funds are geographically classified with predominance given to the global equity funds. Akin to socially responsible investment, Shariah compliant investment does not entirely pursue profits. As argued by Levin (2005), such a distraction by concerns with regards to the responsibility would be disadvantageous for financial performance (Levin, 2005). These are supported by evidence that suggests standard sin stocks such as of alcohol, gambling, or tobacco, excluded by Islamic funds so as to deliver considerably positive abnormal returns. The Shariah compliance of products as well as provisions is possibly financially more advantageous in businesses, where consumers and executives go through a higher utility from obedience to the Shariah law. As a result, islamic mutual funds may experience a considerably better financial performance in principally muslim economies as comp ared to others. According to Christoffersen and Sarkasian (2009), centres which have a high density of economic intermediaries and competitors have a considerably absolute influence on the mutual funds learning profits along with their eventual financial performance. Theyve also explained the performance pertinent to being located in a financial centre with better knowledge of spill-over effects (Christoffer and Sarkasian, 2009). The patterns of Islamic funds are, perhaps, more homogeneous as compared to their conventional counterparts as a reason of the Shariah laws narrow concept of eligible commotions. Islamic funds may have comparatively lower betas than conventional, may be leveraged funds (Hoepner et al, 2010). Islamic funds also invest quite proportionally in smaller stocks, for the reason that large stocker possess a higher stake of receiving insufferable revenues from activities that are forbidden under the law. Hence, Islamic funds are expected to be more prone to growt h stocks as compared to value stocks, for a simple reason that the former is believed to possess a lower leverage in comparison to the latter (Campbell and Vuolteenaho, 2004). Nevertheless, literatures have often failed to find out a significant theoretical reason as to why Islamic funds should be more exposed to momentum and not to the contrarian investment strategies or vice-versa (Hoepner et al, 2010).
Monday, June 22, 2020
Adverse Advantage An analysis of the Underground Mans ideas - Literature Essay Samples
Armed with a view that strongly opposes the ideas presented by rational egoism, Fyodor Dostoevsky conducts an all-out assault against the theory in his 1864 novella, Notes from Underground. The narrator is a sick, pessimistic man who remains nameless throughout the course of his ranting. Without any recognizable respect for his own health and well being out of pure spite, he is the perfect character to illustrate Dostoevskys argument against the theory of rational egoism. The narrator decides upon actions that may directly oppose his true interests for the sole reason of proving that he is an unpredictable man who enjoys his own free will and ability to make voluntary decisions of his own, without being restrained by the ideas of rationality and reason.A particular advantage is revealed in the narrators philosophical ranting that describes mans ability to decide to act in an unpredictable manner. The narrator challenges the definition of advantage, saying, What is advantage? Will you take it upon yourself to define with absolute precision what constitutes mans advantage? (Dostoevsky 15), and continues by introducing his idea of an overlooked advantage that is so important that all the other advantages rely upon it. He describes this masochistic advantage, questioning And what if it turns out that mans advantage sometimes not only may, but even must in certain circumstances, consist precisely in his desiring something harmful to himself instead of something advantageous? (15). This abnormal advantage refers to an individuals freedom, the ability to choose, when given multiple options, a detrimental course of action over a more favorable option with the intention that one may demonstrate their free will, in order to express that they are unpredictable and refuse to be easily categorized and stereotyped by others. The common, clichÃÆ'Ã ©d desires such as prosperity, wealth, freedom, and peace (15) cannot possibly describe the complex needs of the human mind, and if there was a way to study desires in such a complex method, it would severely limit the feeling of free will and personality that an individual possesses, as the narrator states:Well, after all, what if someday they really do discover the formula for all our desires and whims, that is, the thing that governs them, precise laws that produce them, how exactly theyre applied, where they lead in each and every case, and so on and so forth, that is, the genuine mathematical formula-why, then all at once man might stop desiring, yes, indeed, he probably would. Who would want to desire according to some table? (19)When physiological science starts to break down what affects the human condition, people lose their feeling of freedom, and will act in any self-destructive way in order to preserve what free will they have left. Speaking on this subject, the narrator claims that If you say one can also calculate all this according to a table, this chaos and darkness, these curses, so that the mere possibility of calculating it all in advance would stop everything and that reason alone would prevail-in that case man would go insane deliberately in order not to have reason, but to have his own way! (22). The mathematic properties that have been set as law are restraining peoples free will, and people will go crazy just to retain it. The narrator describes this in his two times two analogy, But gentlemen, what sort of free choice will there be when it comes down to tables and arithmetic, when all thats left is two times two makes four? Two times two makes four even without my will. Is that what you call free choice? (23).In order to demonstrate his discretion and unpredictable nature, the narrator suddenly bewilders his audience by announcing that what he stated before had been nothing more than a poor attempt at a joke. He states, Gentlemen, Im joking of course, and I myself know that its not a very good joke; but, after all, you cant take everything as a joke (23). It is not known exactly how much information he had been joking about, possibly the two previous chapters, four chapters, or the entire work. It can even be speculated that the narrator was never actually joking, but isnt confident enough to admit to the claims that he has made. Either way, his shot at humor, though hard to understand, humanizes him; and it exhibits yet another contradicting statement.The narrator leads into another confusing announcement when he proclaims Why, heres what would be better: if I myself were to believe even a fraction of everything Ive written. I swear to you, gentlemen, that I dont believe one word, not one little word of all that Ive scribbled. That is, I do believe it, perhaps, but at the very same time, I dont know why, I feel and suspect that Im lying like a trooper. (27). By combining this with the previously mentioned joke statement, and assuming that both statements are meant literally, they create a double negative, canceling each other out. This r everses everything that he has claimed. Why would he do this? Would this be no more than another example of the advantage he previously described? Is this his self- sabotaging method of being unpredictable? Without jumping to conclusions, a following passage illustrates how the narrator believes a reader might react to his writings. In it, he includes, from a readers perspective, Theres some truth in you, too, but no chastity; out of the pettiest vanity you bring your truth out into the open, into the marketplace, and you shame it You really want to say something, but you conceal your final word out of fear because you lack the resolve to utter it; you have only cowardly impudence (27). By now, the narrator may seem that he is cowardly in coming out and saying exactly what he wants to, and instead dances around it by distracting his audience with statements to detract from the serious nature of his arguments, and the readers response only furthers that theory. Through this interpret ation, the previous areas where the narrator proclaims that he is either joking or lying are rendered meaningless. So why would he include statements to intentionally mislead the reader? For no other reason than to demonstrate his free will. All that he writes are his, and only his, writings and he is free to do whatever he pleases with them. If he wants to deliberately include passages that contradict what he has already stated, he may do so. This freedom he shows in his writing is directly related to his idea of the free will advantage that he deems so important. Obviously, just the fact that the narrator includes such a response to his writing within his argument proves this to be correct.There is a popular phrase that states The ends justify the means, an excuse used often by individuals whose motives may be questioned. Through his method of writing, the narrator renders this phrase ineffective, while raising a question of the phrase itself. Why do the means even have to be just ified at all? The narrator shows that he can decide upon actions that may oppose his interests to prove that he is an unpredictable man with a free will and ability to make voluntary decisions of his own, without the need to justify them with reason.Works CitedDostoevsky, Fyodor. Notes From Underground. New York: Norton, 1989.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
How to Use the French Preposition Entre
The French preposition entre means between, both literally and figuratively, or among and is used in many expressions.à Learn how to say briefly, tipsy, at dusk, and more with someà of the expressionsà below using entre. Be careful not to confuse the prepositionà entreà with the verbà entrer,à which means to enter; the two wordsà are unrelated.à Common Uses of Entre à à à Mettez une espace entre ces mots.Put a space between these words. à à à Cela devrait à ªtre entre parenthà ¨ses.That should be in parentheses. à à entre deux portesbriefly à à à entre chien et loupat twilight/dusk à à à Entre toi et moi..., Entre nous...Between you and me..., Between us... à à Le livre est entre ses mains.The book is in his hands. à à à Entre le 2 et le 5 mai...Between 2nd and 5th of May... à à La và ©rità © est entre les deux. (saying)The truth is somewhere in between. à à sentendre entre euxto have a mutual understanding/agreement à à à ªtre entre deux vinsto be tipsy When Entreà means among à à à ªtre entre nousto be among friends, between usà à à à à Jai trouvà © une jolie bague entre le bric-à -brac.I found a pretty ring among the bric-a-brac. à à à Mes à ©tudiants, entre autres, vont...My students, among others, are going... à à à Beaucoup dentre vous...Many among you... à à Les loups ne se mangent pas entre eux.There is honor among thieves.
Monday, May 18, 2020
The First Amendment Of The United States Essay - 1322 Words
The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution states, ââ¬Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereofâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ The Supreme Court has been inconsistent in the application of these sometimes conflicting requirements. At times, the Court takes a separationist position, erecting a solid wall between church and state, and at other times takes an accommodationist position, siding with an individualââ¬â¢s right to exercise their religious beliefs. Religious liberty under the First Amendment should not be limited to private individuals, but extended to corporations, and only when its application does not interfere with legitimate governmental interests. History shows that the Court has repeatedly found that constitutional rights extend to corporations. This controversial approach was recently seen in the Supreme Court case Burwell v. Hobby Lobby (2014). Today, the Court continues to address this issue. It is often said that there are two thing one should never discuss in public ââ¬â politics or religion. The framers of the Constitution had to address politics, but initially steered clear of religion. There is only one reference to religion found in the Constitution. Article VI states that officials must take an oath to ââ¬Å"support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.â⬠However, Anti-Federalists were concerned about religiousShow MoreRelatedThe First Amendment Of The United States1647 Words à |à 7 PagesFirst Amendment: Where It Originated and How to Protect It On September 17, 1787, the United States Constitution was signed by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, who were directed by George Washington. The 1787 convention was called to draft a new legal system for the United States now that the states were free and colonized. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Risk Management And Homeland Security - 1309 Words
Risk Management and Homeland Security The nationââ¬â¢s homeland security is a very multifaceted environment which must be controlled to effective function at its highest potential. ââ¬Å"The safety, security, and resilience of the Nation are threatened by an array of hazards, including acts of terrorism, manmade accidents, and natural disastersâ⬠(DHS., 2011). All together, homeland security agencies must manage risks at all levels connected with an array of components. Collectively, these external and internal risks have the potential to cause severe consequences like; fatalities, negative psychosocial impact, environmental poverty, and the government ability to control the country. Within this text, risk management within the homeland securityâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦It is a responsibility shared by federal, state, local, tribe, and territorial governments, private sectors, and the people of the nation to widen their spectrum and identify the many threats facing homeland security in regards to resourc e compromises and potential critical infrastructure threats. Risk Management and Homeland Security Enterprise Measuring homeland security risks is a demanding undertaking. This is directed to the nature of the risks and how each agency in the department handles the risks. Risk management is vital for homeland security leaders to highlight the contesting requirements and allow wide spread methods to measure performance and note progress. According to, (National Research Council, 2010), ââ¬Å"The Secretary of Homeland Security has established the requirement for DHS to build and promote an integrated approach to homeland security risk management, working with partners across the homeland security enterprise.â⬠Their responsibility in integrating risk management into a set of approaches is to develop safety, protection, and resilience throughout the country in attempts to counteract any risks or acts of terrorism. DHS was created for the people, and to protect and control the borders, enforce and manage immigration laws, assist in natural disasters, and provide support to the nationâ⠬â¢s economic security. 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Since 2001 until 2007, a development of risk assessment has been divided in phases toRead MoreRole Of Risk Management Within The Homeland Security Enterprise1271 Words à |à 6 Pagesability of the Department of Homeland Security to effectively manage risk is vital to national security. Risk in general, is something that is permanent but because this is known, strategies can be used to mitigate situations as they present themselves. Government managers must manage risk in a complex environment taking into consideration the diverse missions and multiple objectives of public agencies (Hardy, 2014). The role of risk management within the homeland security enterprise was managed byRead MoreWhat Role Does Risk Management Play Within The Homeland Security Enterprise?1186 Words à |à 5 PagesWhat role does risk management play within the homeland security enterprise? To answer that question we first have to examine what risk management is. Risk management is an anaclitic approach to figuring out the likelihood that an event will impact a specific assets, person, or function and then implementing steps to mitigate the impact or consequence of the event. (Decker, 2001) The Standard risk management formula that the Department of Homeland Security uses is R=T*V*C or Risk = Threat * VulnerabilityRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security Essay786 Words à |à 4 Pagesdeter and prevent attacks on our homeland and as well as deter and threats from potentially occurring. Following 9/11, the Department of Defense has been entrusted with the role in the management of risks facing the United Sates. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has stated that it will apply risk management principles to homeland security operations and has stated ââ¬Å"Ultimately, homeland security is about effectively managing risks to the Nationââ¬â¢s securityâ⬠(DHS 2010, pg. 2). This is muchRead MoreStrategic Planning, Resource Allocation And Grant Funding1362 Words à |à 6 Pagesat some point carries a certain level of risk based on a decision or choice made to meet a specific goal. Things taken for granted such as driving from one point to another or shopping at your local grocery store carry certain risk. The variables that affect the level of risk range from low to extreme. The issue with risk is there never is an absolute number of mitigating solutions that will neutralize risk 100% of the time. If something was essentially risk free, there would be no room for error or
Napoleon And The Enlightenment - 1214 Words
Napoleon And The Enlightenment The enlightenment was a time of great learning throughout Europe during the eighteenth century. Although the period is significant for scientific and other scholastic advancements, it is most important because it allowed for the opening of great minds--such as that of Napoleon Bonaparte. Shortly after this enlightenment made its way through Europe, revolution and civil war ripped through France between 1879 and 1899. The unrest of the time called for a strong ruler. A man/woman with an open mind and an enlightened soul. France needed a child of the enlightenment to sew its tattered flag. Napoleon Bonaparte was a child of the enlightenment. This was displayed in both his attitudes and policies as a result ofâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦For a child of the enlightenment, the codification of laws is definitely a requirement. But Napoleon did not only make law codes, he made law codes that surpassed the fame and glory of Roman law codes. Yes, Napoleon was a child of the enlightenment; t his is clearly displayed by his policies and law codification that directly impacted the majority. Napoleons enlightened social reforms were often directly impacted by his religious agreements and political endeavors. The mostShow MoreRelatedNapoleon and the Enlightenment Essay2143 Words à |à 9 PagesNapoleon and the Enlightenment Napoleon and the enlightment Napoleon was one of the most influential people in the history of the world. He has affected people throughout the globe in many ways. He rose through the confusion of the French revolution to become Emperor of the French. His goal was to conquer all of Europe. Through out his lifetime he nearly succeeded in his goal. Napoleon was probably one of the greatest military leaders that ever lived. Napoleon Bonaparte, who is also knownRead MoreNapoleon and the Enlightenment Essay examples974 Words à |à 4 PagesNapoleon and the Enlightenment The enlightenment was a time of great learning throughout Europe during the eighteenth century. Although the period is significant for scientific and other scholastic advancements, it is most important because it allowed for the opening of great minds#8212;such as that of Napoleon Bonaparte. Shortly after this enlightenment made its way through Europe, revolution and civil war ripped through France between 1879 and 1899. The unrest of the time called forRead More The Enlightenment Period and Napoleons Rule Essay1227 Words à |à 5 PagesThe time of the Enlightenment was a time of great change, reform, and the emergence of great minds such as Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, and even Copernicus. These men cleared the path to thinking in a new way and brought about the change necessary for the Scientific Revolution. The Enlightenment allowed people to think more critically and even was the time in which the ââ¬Å"Experimental Methodâ⬠was consolidated by Galile o Galilei (1564-1642, Buckler, J., Crowston, p.592 para. 6). ItRead More Napoleon Was NOT a Son of the Revolution Essay example770 Words à |à 4 PagesReign of Terror. France had dissolved into anarchy, with internal and international turmoil. It was out of the foreign wars that Napoleon came to power. Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power, victory by victory, eventually making himself Emperor of France, creating a strong central government while continuing the foreign wars, creating a mass French Empire. Although Napoleon was a product of the French Revolution and maintained the image as a ââ¬Å"son of the Revolution,â⬠idealism always fell to pragmatismRead MoreWas the French Revolution Successful? Essay891 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe biggest steps towards modernity throughout history. The French Revolution was a successful endeavour on the part of the French people because it reformed social tradition and the hierarchy of French aristocracy by making all men equal, the Enlig htenment ideals which the revolution was based on came through to a great extent. Before the French Revolution, France was a feudal kingdom. Louis XVI ruled the land, and lords ruled certain manors throughout the kingdom. This meant that peasants, as wellRead MoreNapoleon : An Enlightened Despot1597 Words à |à 7 PagesMcKenzie Mrs. Drogos AP European History November 15 2014 Napoleon: An Enlightened Despot Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was undeniably profound in helping to restore order to France following the revolution, the chaotic Jacobin reign of terror, and the weak directory. Through his leadership, France was able to achieve a much more balanced and powerful state, resemblant of the France of previous great rulers, such as Louis XIV. Napoleon used his absolute authority to align France with his his visionRead MoreThe Great Minds Of The Enlightenment Era1042 Words à |à 5 Pages Atifete Jahjaga, the fourth President of Kosovo states, ââ¬Å"When there is information, there is enlightenment. When there is debate, there are solutions. When there is no sharing of power, no rule of law, no accountability, there is abuse, corruption, subjugation and indignation.â⬠At the beginning of the Enlightenment the free market of ideas was open, opinions were appreciated, but most of all, the basic human rights of all people were safe. That all changed at the beginning of the French RevolutionRead MoreFrance - Change over Time Essay (French Revolution)1156 Words à |à 5 Pagesfired by rousing new Enlightenment ideals, began to question authority and emphasize the need for equality, liberty, and democracy. The social and political changes in France were best characterized by three different periods - the weak monarchy of King Louis XVI and the subsequent period of confusion after his removal from power, the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte and his downfall, and the new order brought about by the Congress of Vienna; central to these changes were Enlightenment influence, nationalismRead MoreRollercoaster of Arts and Architecture Brought About by Napolean Bonaparte1083 Words à |à 5 Pagespart because of the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte. Soon enough art would become a way for people, (even those without high-level education) to express themselves. The new styles of architecture and visual arts that Napoleon introduced in France sparked new eras of art like Romanticism that he used to make himself popular; it caused Napoleon to be noticed, not just because of his military conquests, but also because of his artistic vision and innovation. The rule of Napoleon Bonaparte was spectacularRead MoreThe Battle Of Austerlitz : Napoleon As A Military Genius1495 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Battle of Austerlitz depicts Napoleon as a military genius. In the nineteenth century many believed Napoleon to be a hero. As The Napoleonic Phenomenon points out: ââ¬ËThe hero is said to have military geniusââ¬â¢ (Barker, 2004, p.106). This is demonstrated by Gà ©rardââ¬â¢s use of colour with regard to Napoleonââ¬â¢s military uniform. The viewerââ¬â¢s attention is drawn to Napoleon dressed in a blue overcoat, a red sash and white bottoms, which is evocative of the tricolour. Furthermore, the hero was believed to
Learning Curve Assignment a and B free essay sample
These factors include the shorter term labor components along with longer term product and process modifications. 6. Some factors that might prohibit a supplier from realizing learning curve gains are high workforce turnover thereby causing the workforce to not demonstrate the anticipated rate of learning/or creating an inconsistent rate of learning. The supplier will be unable to realize labor efficiency that may be factored into the sales price of the unit produced. Another factor may be the inaccurate collection of cost and labor data during the early stages of production of a unit. Another factor may be not demonstrating any process changes which would realize continuous improvement. 7. A preferred supplier has been through a companyââ¬â¢s evaluation process, thereby, receiving the first opportunity for new business. A preferred supplier has demonstrated its performance capabilities through previous purchase contracts and therefore receives preference during the supplier selection process. The advantage of maintaining a preferred supplier list is that purchasing personnel can quickly identify supplier with proven performance capabilities. We will write a custom essay sample on Learning Curve Assignment a and B or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 8. A type of supply chain relationship that supports a buyer and seller working together to identify possible learning curve benefit would be a collaborative relationship, in this type of supply chain relationship you will also realize productivity improvements. Assignment: Learning Curve It is appropriate/the conditions we can use learning curves to estimate prices are when a supplier uses a new production process or produces an item for the first time. The use of learning curve is also appropriate when a suppler produces a technically complex item for the first time or when an item has direct labor content. 3. Why can we use rough estimates when applying learning curves? We can use rough estimates when applying learning curves as quite often we might only have an estimate of data required for a product or service. This data will still give us an accurate estimation of the learning curve as when production doubles, direct labor requirements will decline by an observed and predictable rate. 4. Why does manual process experience greater learning curves than automated? Manual process experience greater learning curves than automated processes because the manual process involves the human factor, in which both cost and labor is taken into account, providing us with labor efficiencyââ¬â¢s due to employee learning. . Are there factors besides learning that can help reduce cost as volume increase? Yes, a factor besides learning that can help reduce cost as volume increases is Value Analysis, this factor examines all elements of a component, assembly and end product or service to ensure it fulfills its intended function at the lowest total cost. Another factor is Value Engineering, which is the application of value principals during production or service design.
Imperialism Essay Thesis Example For Students
Imperialism Essay Thesis The word imperialism is now so loosely used that it has almost lost real meaning. It may be useful to offer a definition that might be widely accepted: the policy of extending a nations authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations. That definition seems to apply equally well to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia and to the European performance in the late nineteenth century. But there were new elements in the latter case. Previous imperialisms had taken the form either of seizing land and setting it with the conquerors people or of establishing trading centers to exploit the resources of the dominated area. The New Imperialism did not completely abandon these devices, but it also introduced new ones. We will write a custom essay on Imperialism Thesis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The usual pattern of the New Imperialism was for a European nation to invest capital in a backward country, to develop its mines and agriculture, to build railroads, bridges, harbors, and telegraph systems, and to employ great numbers of natives in the process. They thereby transformed the local economy and culture. To safeguard its investments, the dominant European State would make favorable arrangements with the local government either by loaning the rulers money or intimidating them. If these arrangements proved inadequate, the dominant power would establish more direct political control. Sometimes this meant full annexation and direct rule as a colony, or it could be a protectorate status, whereby the local ruler became a figurehead controlled by the dominant European State and maintained by its military power. In other instances, the European state established spheres of influence in which it received special commercial and legal privileges without direct political involvement. The predominant interpretation of the motives for the New Imperialism has been economic, in the form given by the English radical economist J.A. Hobson (1858-1928) and later adapted by Lenin. As Lenin put it, Imperialism is the monopoly state of capitalism, the last stage of the dying system. Competition inevitably eliminates inefficient capitalists and, therefor, leads to monopoly. Powerful industrial and financial capitalists soon run out of profitable areas of investment in their own countries and persuade their governments to gain colonies in backward countries. Here they can find higher profits from their investments, new markets for their products, and safe sources of raw materials. Facts do not support this viewpoint, however. The European powers did investment considerable capital abroad, but not in a way that fit the model of Hobson and Lenin. Britain, for example, made heavier investments abroad before 1875 than during the next two decades. Only a small percentage of British and European investments overseas, moreover, went to their new colonies. Most capital went into other European countries or to older, well-established areas like the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Even when investments were made in new areas, they were not necessarily put into colonies held by the investing country. The facts are equally discouraging for those who emphasize the need for markets and raw materials. Colonies were not usually important markets for the great imperial nations, and all these states were forced to rely on areas that they did not control as sources of vital raw materials. It is not even clear that control of the new colonies was particularly profitable, though Britain, to be sure, benefited greatly from its rule of India. It is also true that some European businessmen and politicians hoped that colonial expansion would sure the great depression of 1873-1896. Nevertheless, as one of the leading students of the subjects has said, No one can determine whether the accounts of empire ultimately closed with a favorable cash balance. That is true of the European imperial nations collectively, but it is certain that for some of them, like Italy and Germany, empire was losing propositions. Some individuals and companies, of course, made great profits from particular colonial ventures, but such people were able to influence national policy only occasionally. Economic motives certainly played a part, but a fully understanding of the New Imperialism requires a search for other motives. .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e , .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e .postImageUrl , .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e , .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e:hover , .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e:visited , .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e:active { border:0!important; } .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e:active , .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub2f174bb8aadf239d78f9a8b5fea597e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Tragic Heros and Things Fall Apart EssayAdvocates of imperialism gave various justifications for it. Some argued that the advanced European nations had a duty to bring the benefits of their higher culture and superior civilization to more backward peoples. Religious groups demanded western governments furnish political and even military support for Christian missionaries. Some politicians and diplomats supported imperialism as a tool of social policy. In Germany, for instance, some people suggested that imperial expansion would deflect public interest away from domestic politics and social reform. Yet Germany acquired few colonies, and such considerations played little if any role in its colonial policy. In Britain, Joseph Chamberlain (1836-1914), the colonial secretary from 1895 to 1903, argued for the empire as a source of profit and economic security that would finance a great program of domestic reform and welfare. These arguments were not important as motives for British imperial expansion because they were made well after Britain had acquired most of its empire. Another common and apparently plausible justification for imperialism was the colonies would attract a European countrys surplus population. In fact, most European emigrants went to areas not controlled by their countries, chiefly to North and South America and Australia. Bibliography:none included
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
3.2 Theme in Juliet\s Soliloquy Essays - , Term Papers
III.ii Juliet 's Soliloquy First, paraphrase the lettered sections of Juliet's soliloquy in the margin at the right (3 .2.1-31). Notice the line numbers on the far left. Then complete the other two close reading tasks . 40821194673 A00 A 31024339370 1 Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds, Towards Phoebus' lodging: such a wagoner As Phaethon would whip you to the west, And brin g in cloudy night immediately. 38100154940 B00 B 31024393440 5 Spread thy close curtain, love-performing night, That runaway's eyes may wink and Ro meo Leap to these arms, untalke d of and unseen. 37465222250 C00 C 3098801498600 Lovers can see to do their amorous rites By their own b eauties; or, if love be blind, 10 It best agrees with night. Come, civil night, 42545255270 D00 D 3098801524000 Thou sober-suited matron, all in black, And learn me how to lose a winning match, Playe d for a pair of stainle ss maidenhoods: 3098801809750 Hood my unmanne d blood, bating i n my cheeks, 42545259715 E00 E 15 With thy black mantle; till strange love, grown bold, Think true love acted simple modesty. Come, night; come, Romeo; come, thou day in night; For thou wilt lie upon the wings of night Whiter th an new snow on a raven's back. 3098801352550 40005318770 F00 F 20 Come, gentle night, come, loving , black-browe d night, Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine That all the wo rld will be in love with night 25 And pay no worship to the garish sun. 36830466725 G00 G 3067051517650 O, I have bought the mans ion of a love, But not possesse d it, and, t hough I am sold, Not yet enjoye d: so tedious is this day As is the night before some festival 30 To an impatient child that hath new robes And may not we ar them. O, here comes my nurse TASK 1: Go back through the soliloquy. Find, mark, and label (in other words, annotate) at least four of the literary techniques below. 1 . A llusion 2. Metaphor 3. Symbolism 4. Simile 5. Personification 6. Hyperbole 7. Repe tition 8. Imagery 9. Mood TASK 2: Remember that THEME is the message or lesson, the moral of the story. Write one complete paragraph answering the question below. Make sure to recall the 5 Step Process (Introduction/Thesis, Main Points/Details/Support, Conclusion) and the ICE method for incorporating textual evidence. Question: How does Juliet's soliloquy at the beginning of Act 3, Scene 2 develop one of the thematic topics from the list below? Use at least one direct quote, correctly cited, as evidence and don't forget to explain how it supports your thesis. Thematic Topics: Forbidden Love, Young Love, Foolishness/Naivete, Secrecy, Loyalty 82711140970 THESIS Takes a stance Rephrases prompt 020000 THESIS Takes a stance Rephrases prompt Example Paragraph 1024359143944 using the thematic topic Human Flaw: 54053771853163 551497561404500 58336411581158 CONCLUSION Deeper insight or real-world connection 020000 CONCLUSION Deeper insight or real-world connection 5787341423690 MAIN POINTS ICE textual evidence Connect back to thesis 020000 MAIN POINTS ICE textual evidence Connect back to thesis Juliet's soliloquy in Act III, Scene ii develops the theme of human flaw because Juliet, like every character in the play, has tragic human flaws that ultimately lead s to her downfall. She says, "Spread thy close curtain, love-performing night, / That runaway's eyes may wink and Romeo / Leap to these arms, untalked of and unseen" (III.ii.5-7). This shows that Juliet is willing to go against her parents' wishes - al though they may be unfair or prejudice - at the age of 13 in order to see Romeo. Her flaw here is dishonesty. She also repeatedly urges the night to hurry and appear, saying "Come, night; come, Romeo; come, thou day in night" (III.ii.17). She also displays the flaw of impatience. As humans, we can all relate to being dishonest or impatient, but we have to think before we act in order to make better decisions tha n Juliet does. Write your paragraph here: 242570140914 Scoring Guide: SCORE 10: Above and Beyond: mastery of writing and analysis SCORE 9: Meets Expectations: thesis rephrases prompt; relevant, effective textual evidence; explains and
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Nile River DBQ Essay Samples - Where Do I Find Them?
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